To help the most vulnerable families; widows, single mothers, disabled parents etc. Montana on a Mission is putting together emergency food relief for all of our project areas. Please consider a donation now to disaster relief to keep a family alive during this crisis.
Nothing will ever be the same.
When an opportunity arises, be sure to consider it carefully. If you turn it down you may miss out on a life changing experience. Early this year…
Desks and school supplies for Kenya
Can you imagine sitting on the ground for school all day, every day?
Water and Living Water
This young widow and her family will soon have clean water very close to their home, thanks to YOU! One of the first things they asked when I visited their home, was if I had a Bible for them. Thanks to a generous donor who made a gift specifically for that purpose, they also now have a Bible in their native language.
#Water and #LivingWater go hand in hand! ❤️💦
Grateful at Ildungisho
Praise the Lord! On this beautiful Sunday, we have wonderful news to share…
PO Box 696, Big Timber, Montana 59011