
Please consider donating to help meet the many needs of Ukrainian refugees. We are working with partners who are on the ground in Romania, Hungry, and Ukraine. Please pray for our partners and for the refugees. A church leader in Ukraine recently wrote: 14th night of war is coming with its nightmares and horrors. God, have mercy on us! Our hearts are heavy. A few hours ago Central Children’s and Maternity hospital was bombed in Mariupol. I have no words, I can’t describe the grief and horror.
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Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

“Every day we look for the possibility to host mothers with their children, we get involved in bringing refugees from the borders, to shelters specially set up for them. This week we prepared a shipment of food, canned goods, medicines…

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A season of joy

The season of advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas, are a time for us to quiet our minds and prepare a place in our heart in order to celebrate the Joy of His salvation – the birth of Jesus Christ.
In this third week of advent the focus is on Joy.
Joy is not dependent upon what is happening on the outside of a person, it is all about how we choose to react on the inside. Joy, like love, is a choice, not an emotion. It isn’t a natural choice…

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A season of peace

The season of advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas, are a time for us to quiet our minds and prepare a place in our heart in order to celebrate the Joy of His salvation – the birth of Jesus Christ.

During week one the focus is on Hope. Take some time this week to meditate on the Hope that God has promised and Jesus has brought to the world. Take some of that Hope and share it with someone in need.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Isaiah 9:2
The season of advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas, are a time for us to quiet our minds and prepare a place in our heart in order to celebrate the Joy of His salvation – the birth of Jesus Christ.