Fetching water
A grandmother and her small granddaughter walk a long distance to fetch drinking water from a dirty pool. make a contribution at montanaonamission.org/donate to partner with us in developing clean water sources in their community.
A grandmother and her small granddaughter walk a long distance to fetch drinking water from a dirty pool. make a contribution at montanaonamission.org/donate to partner with us in developing clean water sources in their community.
Great news! The water is running at the clinic and school and the Empopongi kiosk is fully operational. Our first Kenyan spring development project is now providing clean, fresh water to over 2000 people in the community! THANK YOU Montana on a Mission donors, this is what we can do together! montanaonamission.org/donate “For I was […]
During our most recent trip to Kenya one of the primary goals was to travel outside the area served by our last water development project and determine the needs of the surrounding communities. One Sunday afternoon we visited a spring called Ripoi where many women fetch water to provide for their families. Over 400 people […]
Met these beautiful faces and many others at Ilnturisho. They welcomed us in to the manyatta to sit in the shade with them and ‘chat’. Such a gift…
Providing safe drinking water to the families of Calunasan Sur was the first step in our work in the Philippines. It has opened many new and exciting possibilities. But one of the benefits that we are most excited about is that this project and others like it provide us with an ability to tell […]
PO Box 696, Big Timber, Montana 59011