Food and fuel prices are rising worldwide. Montana on a Mission continues to provide a nutritious lunch each day to all 117 students at Calunasan Sur primary school. We need YOUR help to keep this incredibly important school lunch program going. It now costs more than $20 per student per month to provide a hot and healthy lunch each day at school. For some students it may be the only meal they get all day. Please consider making a generous gift today or better yet, become a monthly sponsor.
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School Lunch Program needs YOU!

Food and fuel prices are rising worldwide. Montana on a Mission continues to provide a nutritious lunch each day to all 117 students at Calunasan Sur primary school. We need YOUR help to keep this incredibly important school lunch program going. It now costs more than $20 per student per month

Montana on a Mission Philippines update: The Family Christian Fellowship just celebrated its 18th annual thanksgiving service
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Philippines update

M.O.M. Philippines update: The Family Christian Fellowship just celebrated its 18th annual thanksgiving service My how it has grown! It is so encouraging to see young adults that grew up through the Fellowship now leading ministry, worship, Bible studies and bringing in the 2nd generation of Sunday school. The church has an active outreach out to neighboring communities, is involved in mentoring local government and has started two new churches. This is all due to the faithful and generous support from here at home and from within the Fellowship itself. Thank you Along and Inday for your tireless service to the church and community, and your passion for sharing the Love of Christ! Click to see the youngest members celebrating through song and dance.

Montana on a Mission works to help struggling families right here at home and around the world.
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Thank You! Matching Funds Update

You did it! Thanks to YOU we met our year-end matching funds goal of $30,000! Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise $30,000 during our end of year campaign and that means the $30,000 becomes $60,000! This couldn’t have come at a better time with the dual crises in the Philippines and Kenya of typhoon and drought. We are currently responding with emergency food relief, clean water, blankets and clothing and short term shelter as needed. We are working on a longer range recovery plan for the Philippines that will include repairing and rebuilding homes destroyed during the super typhoon and resulting flooding. Stay tuned for more information on that but for now we just want to say…