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Christmas gifts that share more than smiles

Still wondering what to get that hard-to-buy-for person on your list?  Why not give the gift of life – in their honor? Make a donation to MOM in their name and we will send them a Christmas card to let them know, or we can send or email the card directly to you. 100% of […]

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Fetching water

A grandmother and her small granddaughter walk a long distance to fetch drinking water from a dirty pool. make a contribution at to partner with us in developing clean water sources in their community.  

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Fresh water

Great news! The water is running at the clinic and school and the Empopongi kiosk is fully operational. Our first Kenyan spring development project is now providing clean, fresh water to over 2000 people in the community! THANK YOU Montana on a Mission donors, this is what we can do together! “For I was […]

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During our most recent trip to Kenya one of the primary goals was to travel outside the area served by our last water development project and determine the needs of the surrounding communities.  One Sunday afternoon we visited a spring called Ripoi where many women fetch water to provide for their families. Over 400 people […]

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Pitching in

One of the projects I worked on during my last visit to Kenya, was talking with the community and the local water committee about protecting the investment that we have made together in the Siana Springs development and water line that Montana on a Mission started in March of this year. The water that is […]