
The reservoir where the students used to fetch water for school before the pipeline was installed
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A startling difference

We visited the Ilturisho school this past spring and were able to get some video of the students there. They took me to the reservoir they used to walk to to get water for the school.  This water was used for drinking, cleaning and cooking! The next part of the video shows the students using the clean water from the pipeline. I’m sure you can appreciate the difference.  The video speaks for itself.

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New well project – Ripoi Nkineji

When we first pulled up to the spring at Ripoi there was no one there. We walked around the site looking at the project.  I was astounded that this small puddle of water about the size of a couple bird baths was their only source of water. Slowly people started showing up.  A mother with her two young daughters came to scoop water out of the shallow indent in the earth. 

For the families at Orgnoswa getting water is a real struggle. Montana on a Mission is preparing to improve access to clean water by drilling a borehole in the community.
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New well project – Papuyia – Guest Post by Bill and Betsy Donald

During our February visit, the men of Papuyia were anxious to show the amount of time and energy it took for their women to go to the dry riverbed where they dug for murky water to supply their families.  MOM has identified a well site with excellent potential for a successful flowing well.

For the families at Orgnoswa getting water is a real struggle. Montana on a Mission is preparing to improve access to clean water by drilling a borehole in the community.
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New well project – Orngoswa

Across the globe in rural Kenya there is a small village called Orngoswa.  A place that bears a resemblance to the tiny zip codes dotted around rural Montana. The families throughout the area are stockmen, raising cattle, sheep and goats to provide for their families.

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College Graduation in the Philippines

Congratulations to two of our FcfLoboc Linkers! We have watched Marlon and Gelie May grow up and make the most of their opportunities while growing their relationship with Christ. They both graduated from college last week and are ready to go forth and serve others.
Read their thank you messages to all the MOM supporters who supported them financially and through prayer.