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Kenya School Update

Will you join us in praying for the school and the community? Would you consider becoming a donor to contribute to the success of the school and the future success of these precious children?
You can provide lunch for one student for just over $4 a month! A gift of $50 feeds 12 students for a month. Please consider giving today!

We have been receiving updates from our partners in Ukraine and Romania that are helping with the relief and evacuation efforts in war torn areas. As you know the attack and violence on these people continue and they need help and hope now more than ever.
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Ukraine relief update

We have been receiving updates from our partners in Ukraine and Romania that are helping with the relief and evacuation efforts in war torn areas. As you know the attack and violence on these people continue and they need help and hope now more than ever. Read the short article to see how your gifts are helping people in crisis:

Please consider donating to help meet the many needs of Ukrainian refugees. We are working with partners who are on the ground in Romania, Hungry, and Ukraine. Please pray for our partners and for the refugees. A church leader in Ukraine recently wrote: 14th night of war is coming with its nightmares and horrors. God, have mercy on us! Our hearts are heavy. A few hours ago Central Children’s and Maternity hospital was bombed in Mariupol. I have no words, I can’t describe the grief and horror.
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Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

“Every day we look for the possibility to host mothers with their children, we get involved in bringing refugees from the borders, to shelters specially set up for them. This week we prepared a shipment of food, canned goods, medicines…