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Sunday was a day I had really been looking forward to… sharing worship time with the people of Calunasan Sur. The morning fellowship was held at Singalan Balay at 9:30 as usual (9:00 Filipino Time) only with the addition of 12 “visitors” from Montana, Oregon and Florida, the Montana on a Mission team. Little Beboy […]


January 2010 Trip – Day 6

There are so many significant events happening each day here that once you skip a day of blogging, it is hard to know where to begin.  Everyone is very busy trying to complete projects in an impossible amount of time.  Let’s start with the Learning Center (LC).  Jane and Cheryl have now indexed over 1,000 […]

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January 2010 Trip – Day 1

Kumusta, We are here! After two days (seems like weeks) of traveling we arrived at Tagbilaran airport yesterday morning and made our way to Sunrise House. Jay, Justin and I rode on top of the bus with our luggage. It made for an interesting ride and provided lots of entertainment for the locals! Upon arriving […]

Gifts of Grace

Christmas. The season of the year that is all about gifts and giving. Have you seen the extravagant commercial with the Lexus wrapped in a big red bow? Wouldn’t it be a fantastic experience to give that! (Or get that!). Such a gift would last perhaps ten years. A long time in today’s world. Sitting […]

Fish Harvest

In January 2008, I arrived in the Philippines with big ideas on how “I” was going to help people raise fish.  As usual, God turned my arrogance into humility as he changed all my plans into his projects.  The best part of it all was seeing God at work.  Even though the way I thought […]