
January 2010 Trip – Day 6

There are so many significant events happening each day here that once you skip a day of blogging, it is hard to know where to begin.  Everyone is very busy trying to complete projects in an impossible amount of time.  Let’s start with the Learning Center (LC).  Jane and Cheryl have now indexed over 1,000 […]


Lowry Update!

  We took the donated teachers resource material to the school yesterday (Mon).  Most students wouldn’t pay any attention to boxes of teacher materials.  Once the boxes were unloaded, the children were so helpful and excited.  It was fascinating to watch their expressions.  You would think that we had brought them all a present.  The […]

Hello From Jeane Aller

 Free Clinic Day  What can I say — if this is what socialized medicine is about — you will all need to spend a day at a Health Clinic in Loboc before you vote next time.   300 plus Barrio residents lined up even before the doctors and nurses arrived. Everything from dental to meds to […]

Hello From Jane Lowry

Hello everyone, I am currently working on getting books catalogued for the school library. Deb, Cheryl, and I are the team and we have 750 books done with lots more to do. I have run across books from Big Timber and think about how generous our community is and how supportive everyone is. Montana on a Mission is […]

Who gets a cold?

So, who gets a cold in the Philippines?  I do, I guess.  How can that be fair?  Anyway, we are sitting around waiting for the Christian Fellowship this morning.  I will be posting some new video this afternoon along with stories from the other folks that are here with us.  Yesterday we had a medical […]