
The students at Ilturisho primary are able to get clean, fresh water from the taps in the school yard. These taps were installed in spring 2017.
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World Water Day 2018

In honor of World Water Day we want to share an example of what your partnership has accomplished at Ilturisho community and primary school.

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Spring Kenya trip highlights

The past three weeks in Kenya have been invaluable, both for our team and our mission goals. We were able to:

The Maasai are well known for their skill at hand beading. Montana on a Mission brings back these hand-made pieces and sales from them go 100% to the water projects in these women's communities.
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Glass beads in the red dust

The Maasai are well known for their skill at hand beading. Montana on a Mission brings back these hand-made pieces and sales from them go 100% to the water projects in these women’s communities.

Young girl start to help with the chore of collecting firewood as soon as they are strong enough to carry a bundle.
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Women’s work is never done

After the water has been fetched and the yellow jerry cans sit full of water in the shade of the house, Noomali prepares to walk again. This time she grabs her length of rope and sword and walks toward the bush in search of firewood. Gathering and hauling firewood is another essential job of the Maasai woman. The Maasai cook over an open fire fueled with wood and brush from the surrounding area.

Women often have to walk long distances to collect water for their families and often arrive to a crowded source and must wait in line for the chance to fill their jerry cans.
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Walking for Water

Noomali gathers up the plastic jerry cans (a repurposed bright yellow plastic container that was originally used for cooking oil. These are then rinsed and sold as vessels for water storage) and a length of rope after she is finished milking the livestock and sharing a breakfast of Kenyan mixed tea with her family. She, her sister-in-law and her daughters (while on break from school) leave to fetch the day’s water.