Serve your community with love!
DON’T KNOW IF OR WHEN YOU CAN HELP? COME BY THE DUGOUT August 7 -12h, BETWEEN 7:30AM AND NOON to get a job assignment. And if you want to just come by at breakfast and check out what’s going on … come on over!! Join us for breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Homeward Bound week is nearly here!
With less than two weeks to go until Homeward Bound 2023, we’ve got a schedule of projects, and we’re excited to get started! We have 160 ‘opportunities slots’ left to fill! If folks DON’T KNOW IF OR WHEN THEY CAN HELP YET? Pleas…
What a great week!
It’s been an incredible 5 days of service and 5 days of incredible blessings for all involved. If you haven’t been able to join us, don’t worry! You can still join us for breakfast tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Evangelical Church. We will enjoy a delicious breakfast get briefed on the projects of the day and head out to serve with love.
We need another 25 volunteers tomorrow morning to finish strong! Have an hour or two? Come by ANYTIME to the office, and we can direct you to a project. We have window washing, painting, yard work, as well as our sports teams serving our local businesses in the afternoon and our dump trailer drivers and loaders hauling to the dump.
Carpe Diem! Be blessed.
What a day! Homeward Bound kickoff
What a day! Day 1 of Homeward Bound 2022 was the perfect start to the week. So many smiles, new friends and great projects done in love. Thank you to everyone who came out to serve today! Please join us for another delicious breakfast tomorrow and each day this week (through Saturday) at 7:30 a.m. at the Evangelical church. We will enjoy breakfast and coffee and be briefed on the projects of the day. On the agenda for Tuesday we have…
PO Box 696, Big Timber, Montana 59011