Ripoi Spring
Saturday we traveled to a spring called “Ripoi” that we identified on our last trip. It is about a 45 minute drive through the bush from camp. This area is also badly in need of water. The women walk a very long distance to the spring
which also waters livestock and wildlife. The water is extremely dirty.
Josh measured the flow at approximately 10,000 L per day from the upper eyes of the spring. The plan is to develop and capture this into a concrete holding tank so that the water will be clean and safe for the community to drink. Any excess will be piped to a water tank for the animals, a safe distance from the tank. The lower eye will be left for wildlife and livestock.
We held a meeting with the men of the community to ask them if this is something they would like to do. A resounding “yes!” with clapping a cheers went up again! They agreed to provide the labor to dig the trench, gather and haul rock and help to lay the pipe and dig out the springs.
During the meeting several shepherd boys hung back tending their flock of sheep and goats. Emma went right over to say hi and share some snacks, books and stickers (everybody loves stickers!)
We also created a map of the area and population in order to best meet their needs. Another meeting is planned for next week with the men, women and children to further discuss the plan. They will have formed a water committee from the community that will be responsible for the maintenance and management of the project.
We will also schedule health and hygiene trainings at the manyattas, which the women are very excited about! As we were leaving we were told they had slaughtered a goat for the meeting, but we had to leave so they gave us goat-on-a-stick to go. 🙂
Another amazing day witnessing God’s love and goodness. Our hearts are so full!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Montana on a Mission’s water program. YOU made all of this possible. If you would like to contribute to this project or future water wells or spring developments, you can donate and learn more at our website.
Our hearts are overflowing with love from the inspiration of your ministry. Much like the woman at the well with Jesus in John chapter 4. We thank God for your passion and dedication to serving God by providing opportunities to improve the health and well-being of families.