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It Started Under a Tree


It started under a tree. The questions, the planning, the offer of partnership. It was a White Acacia and it provided welcome shade from the hot Kenyan sun.  Water has always been an issue here, but for the past few years it has become even more difficult to get. Water is the mainstay of our physical health. Even more important than nutrition, a body has to have water first and foremost. The Siana area of Narok County, Kenya has been experiencing a drought for the past several years. The cattle are rail thin and have to be herded farther and farther away, by the Maasai herdsmen that own them, to find anything to eat. The springs are running slower and the river now only runs part of the year. This means the job of gathering and hauling water each day for the family is now more difficult and time consuming than ever. The job of gathering water and firewood falls to the women and children of the Maasai society. 


Tree2In November of last year Denny Freed, board member of MOM, traveled to Empopongi to do some footwork for a new medical clinic that is being planned. When he arrived and started talking with the locals he realized there was no water supply to the town and surrounding areas. He met with the chief and school officials and they agreed that water was their number one need. The looked at an area of springs in the area and agreed that they could likely be developed and piped to the school and town center to provide adequate CLEAN water to the community. The men arranged a meeting “under the big tree” for the following day. The next morning the chief, county administrator, the elders and over 150 people showed up at the tree to discuss how they might join together to make their dream of a great water supply to the town a reality. As they discussed a plan, Denny (through an interpreter) asked the women how they would like to be able to come to a kiosk in the town-center, turn on a faucet and fill their cans with cool, sparkling, clear water. A huge cheer went up from the crowd!


They came to an agreement that the locals would provide the labor and that we (MOM) would partner with them financially.

Won’t you join us in sharing our multitude of blessings with our brothers and sisters in Empopongi? Consider making a donation or becoming a monthly clean water sponsor today! Visit our website at www.montanaonamission.org/donate

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