From Liz
Hi! It’s Liz, yesterday was a full day and I apologize because when evening came I fell into bed exhausted. But today is a new day and I am feeling rested for the first time since being here. So, now maybe I will make a little bit of sense.
Yesterday we had the “privilege” (as one person put it) to lead many services. We started out with the rest of the team leading children’s sunday school and Michael leading adult sunday school on marriage. The children are so sweet and forgiving as we fumbled around trying to teach them a lesson. Next was church where Katie and Zane lead in worship and Michael preached. Let me see if I can describe church to you. The church “building” is a screened in building with two life-saving overhead fans. Any number of fans could not stop the sweat from running down your legs. Made worse by the fact that there are at least one if not two sweaty, beautiful children sitting on your lap at one time. There are palm trees and bamboo trees just outside the building swaying in the breeze. And there are beautiful voices of adults and children (singing at the top of their lungs) being lifted to the sky. Anyway, all that to say it is a very hot but very pure and sacred time as we gather together to praise our Lord and Savior.
After church we lead their youth group gathering. Michael was asked to speak on dating relationships (seems to be the theme for the day) and once again Katie and Zane lead worship. Afterwards we played games (including the famous trash can game) and of course swimming in the pool.
Next, we were invited to a neighboring barrio’s fiesta where we were invited in to someone’s home and given rice and salad to eat and cokes to drink (there was meat also but we weren’t sure if the caribou was safe for us to eat). One of the ladies said that next year when we come she will be sure to fix us french fries!!
Our long day ended at Denny and Ellen’s beautiful home as we gathered for devotions and debriefing of our day. Needless to say, none of us were able to focus very well!
Well, I must sign off, we have lots of plans for today. As I write the rest of the team is preparing a meal that we will be feeding children ages 2-4 for lunch.
As Katie and Carly said yesterday in the video, we miss you all!!!
- Playing trash can
- Laarni and Liz
Thanks so much for sharing!!!!