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Musings from Deb

Our January, 2010 trip to the Philippines is only a memory now….but what an experience it was! Thanks to our great God. Denny & Ellen, Roy & Cheryl, Jay, Jane, Jeane, Justin, Josh & Mery, John, Marv, Randell, and Tom—I appreciate each one of you very much. Only the good Lord can create such a […]

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Home Blessed Home

  Woman from barrio "Concepcion" collecting fresh water to haul back to her home.   After two amazing weeks in Thailand and The Philippines we are back home in Montana. We all know in our heads how lucky we are to live here in the U.S. We have a standard of living that is unmatched, […]

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We just returned home last night and we’re struggling to readjust to our home timezone.  I seems we were just becoming compatible with Philippine time and it was time to leave.  In fact, the trip was entirely to short.  Ok, enough complaining already One of the qualities that I’ve noticed on every trip is the […]

Library is Finished!

  CREATION OF CALUNASAN SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIBRARY LOBOC, BOHOL, PHILIPPINES   Approximately 3000 books were donated by community and school libraries as well as individuals in and around Glasgow, Big Timber, and Anaconda Montana. Books were driven to Big Timber where they were stored in a warehouse until they were trucked to Seattle. The books were […]

Journey Home

Hard to believe that the trip is already over.  When I sent Tom an email to let him know I was home, I asked "Was I really there?"  It all happened so quickly.  As the rest of the team prepares ot leave, they will need your prayers for safe travel.   There are many wonderful stories […]