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A first-hand earthquake experience from a teacher in Loon

Earthquake experience by Lita Tuesday October 15, 2013 at approximately 8:12 in the morning, all of a sudden I felt that the ground was slightly shaking, I looked at the ceiling I saw everything shaking, the room, the walls, and other things inside the room. I knew for sure it’s an earthquake. I went to […]


Opportunity to serve

Hi all, here is an update for the last two days. The greatest damage seems to be in Loon, Sagbayan and Merilehoc (sp). Devastation of hollow block homes seems more prevalent but many bamboo homes have been destroyed or heavily damaged as well. We have a group of 10 marvelous young people we have known […]

Making a Difference in a Small Orphanage in Bihar India

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into […]


Earthquake update from Denny

Lindie and I arrived ready to hit the ground about mid-day on the 28th. Our purpose was and continues to be validating the needs and determining appropriate responses to these needs. We have a remarkable group of 10 young adults primarily of college age who have become close to us since they were toddlers. MOM […]

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Philippines Earthquake Update

The earthquake in the Philippines that you are hearing about in the news was centered on the Island where Montana on a Mission and another Montana based non-profit called IDEA work. Dennis Drake grew up in Billings, Montana and founded the Deaf and Blind School in the Philippines. I have included some of his assessment […]