Highlights from December 2024 Kenya Montana on a Mission trip. H2O For Life Kenya.
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2024 Kenya Trip Highlights

Highlight video from Montana on a Mission November December 2024 Kenya trip.

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Pastoral training in Kenya

We just returned from Kenya and have lots of stories and times of  incredible interactions to share. It is amazing to see how God is working all over the world and humbling to have the opportunity to witness it!
Our first few days we spent at a…

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Working together

The work is never done but it can be fun! We enlisted community kids to help clean up around the Montana on a Mission projects, clear drainage trenches and collect and place rocks around the tap stands. Maintenance is a huge part of every clean water project and takes the commitment of a community to protect the future of the wells and make sure they keep running smoothly.

Recess and lunch break are the most popular part of the school day in every part of the world! Students at the Montana on a Mission Lower Oloosekin primary are no exception. They love to play football, dance and play games after a hearty hot lunch, thanks to our donors. A donation of just $20 per month feeds 4 children for an entire month! Please consider becoming a monthly sponsor and making a huge difference for a child in need. Be sure to choose the KENYA SCHOOLS IMPROVEMENT option in the dropdown menu on the donation page.


Recess and lunch break are the most popular part of the school day in every part of the world! Students at the Montana on a Mission Lower Oloosekin primary are no exception. They love to play football, dance and play games after a hearty hot lunch, thanks to our donors. A donation of just $20 per month feeds 4 children for an entire month! Please consider becoming a monthly sponsor and making a huge difference for a child in need.