Entries by Mery Donald

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Matching Funds Update

UPDATE** Two weeks into our year-end matching funds challenge we have received $10,784 in donations which puts us 36% of the way to our goal of $30,000. Thank you to all who have given so far! If you haven’t given yet and want to help struggling families here at home and around the world please send in your gift today! You can give securely online at montanaonamission.org/donate or mail in your gift to:

Local Missions – Homeward Bound

Neighbors helping neighbors, that’s what Montana on a Mission’s Homeward Bound projects are all about. If you are interested in local missions please join us for our Homeward Bound 2022 planning meeting tomorrow evening Wednesday, October 6 at 7:00 p.m. We will be meeting at the Evangelical church in Big Timber. Hope to see you there! Please spread the word.