Entries by Mery Donald

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We can do better!

Medical Ward room at Provincial Hospital, Tagbilaran.   We can do better.  Near the end of my Philippine trip I had the opportunity to visit and photograph 2 hospitals and 1 clinic in Bohol.  One hospital was privately owned, the other a government hospital and a government clinic.  It was quite an experience!  The hallways […]

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Home Blessed Home

  Woman from barrio "Concepcion" collecting fresh water to haul back to her home.   After two amazing weeks in Thailand and The Philippines we are back home in Montana. We all know in our heads how lucky we are to live here in the U.S. We have a standard of living that is unmatched, […]

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  Monday we delivered the teacher resource books and textbooks to the school. It looked like it might rain so we unloaded the books on the covered ampitheater area. Immediately the kids came running from the playground to see what we were doing. They helped unload the boxes full of books and proceeded to choose […]

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Sunday was a day I had really been looking forward to… sharing worship time with the people of Calunasan Sur. The morning fellowship was held at Singalan Balay at 9:30 as usual (9:00 Filipino Time) only with the addition of 12 “visitors” from Montana, Oregon and Florida, the Montana on a Mission team. Little Beboy […]