
Montana on a Mission 2022 Homeward Bound schedule
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Homeward Bound 2022

THE SCHEDULE IS OUT! Join us for Homeward Bound 2022 – a week of service in Sweet Grass county. We are excited to be back in action with an entire week of projects, fellowship and fun this year! Join us for breakfast each day at 7:30 and we will plan to head to the projects at 8:00. Come for part of the day, a whole day or the entire week!
If you would like to sign up for a specific project please email us or call 932-5637.
It’s going to be a great week!

DEADLINE: TUESDAY. Have you seen these bright yellow boxes around town? Please fill out the slip and pop your suggestions into the box BEFORE Tuesday. Homeward Bound, our week of service is just around the corner and our team is working to plan for the service projects that will happen in our community. Do you know someone who needs a hand or a little extra love this summer? We aim to mobilize at least 100 volunteers from Sweet Grass county to love their neighbors by pitching in and lending a hand during the week of August 8th. It's all about community! #community #loveyourneighbor #montanaonamission #homewardbound #howcanwehelp
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Deadline: Tuesday

DEADLINE: TUESDAY. Have you seen these bright yellow boxes around town? Please fill out the slip and pop your suggestions into the box BEFORE Tuesday. Homeward Bound, our week of service is just around the corner and our team is working to plan for the service projects that will happen in our community. Do you know someone who needs a hand or a little extra…

Montana on a Mission supplies backpacks and school supplies at the start of each school year to students in need.
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Sweet Grass county is back to school and we are blessed to be a blessing again this year through our Backpack to School program. All children in the county are eligible to fill out an application to receive backpacks and school supplies for the school year. We stocked and provided around…

8th annual Cow Country Stampede JOIN US Saturday, November 28th for this virtual 4-mile walk or run in the location of your choice
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8th annual Cow Country Stampede

This year the 8th annual Cow Country Stampede will be a virtual event. Don’t miss it, we need you! 100% of your registration and donations will go directly to MOM programs. REGISTER NOW and be a part of healing in our community and around the world.