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No Words…

Dear Friends and family, Ellen and I have just returned from a visit to a barrio to determine the needs for some wheelchairs. Little did we know who God would introduce us to. Our world stood still as we witnessed the tragic life of three girls. While they appear young one is 21 years old […]

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Driving adventures with Ellen

JANAURY 23, 2013 Yesterday, January 22, was a busy day for all of us. We took Denny to the ferry to spend the night in Cebu buying all types of needed supplies. Laarni and I then took “the list” and proceeded to go all around Tagbilarin to accomplish our tasks. We started out by visiting […]

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Update from Denny

January 21, 2013 Calunasan Sur Elementary School This morning we spent several hours with Sr. Pedrito – the new principal – to discuss what he thought it would take to meet his dream of a school “in the lime light” (his terms). The teachers are strong supporters of Pedrito and he shows a strong embrace […]

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It’s still Christmas here…

DAY 3 January 18, 2013 It was Christmas in the barrio today! Groups of carolers appeared at our door at various times throughout the day. They would sing a song or two and wish us Merry Christmas. The custom is for us to give pesos and then they go to the next house – and […]

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It’s Cold in the Philippines

January 16 and 17, 2013 Greetings from Bohol, Philippines.  We have been here for two days now, spending most of the days with Along (our manager) and Laarni his assistant.  So many discussions about so many things, ie:  future projects here in the barrio and neighboring barrios and of course management and maintenance of  Silangan […]