Partnering with MRM (MT Rescue Mission)

The Montana Rescue Mission has been serving and caring for individuals and families since the 1940’s. The MRM comes alongside the poor and the homeless by providing temporary housing, emergency care, job training, and rehabilitation services. MRM does this through the women’s and families shelter, men’s shelter, mobile outreach, community outreach, and bargain centers. This […]

Learning Center

The Calunasan Sur Elementary School is attended by students from Calunasan Sur as well as elementary age students from the neighboring villages of Canlisid and Ugpong. Presently, there is no library or access to computer technology.  In 2007, the school erected a makeshift building from rusty corrugated metal sheeting and cardboard to house the preschoolers in […]

Upcoming Mission Trip

Loving Your Neighbor in the Philippines One of the things that we have noticed after multiple trips the the Philippines is that loving acts of kindness go a long way toward helping people understand God’s love. Over the last several years we have participating in installing clean water systems, building homes for those in need, […]

Fish Harvest

In January 2008, I arrived in the Philippines with big ideas on how “I” was going to help people raise fish.  As usual, God turned my arrogance into humility as he changed all my plans into his projects.  The best part of it all was seeing God at work.  Even though the way I thought […]

Mission Opportunity in Montana

  Providing safe drinking water to the families of Calunasan Sur was the first step in our work in the Philippines.  It has opened many new and exciting possibilities.  But one of the benefits that we are most excited about is that this project and others like it provide us with an ability to tell […]