Who gets a cold?

So, who gets a cold in the Philippines?  I do, I guess.  How can that be fair?  Anyway, we are sitting around waiting for the Christian Fellowship this morning.  I will be posting some new video this afternoon along with stories from the other folks that are here with us.  Yesterday we had a medical […]

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January 2010 Trip – Day 1

Kumusta, We are here! After two days (seems like weeks) of traveling we arrived at Tagbilaran airport yesterday morning and made our way to Sunrise House. Jay, Justin and I rode on top of the bus with our luggage. It made for an interesting ride and provided lots of entertainment for the locals! Upon arriving […]


The team has arrived safely!  This is my fourth trip and by far the easiest as far as getting on-time flights and all baggage here.  We already took a tour of the barrio and it is exciting to see all the changes that have taken place since being here in October 08.  We are already […]

Preparing for the trip

[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/8770530[/vimeo] The kids are playing and all the bags are packed.  It is Monday and we are getting ready to leave to Billings to stay with Tom & Deb.  I have to say the excitment is building and I am ready to get started.  When I first decided to go on this trip, there wasn’t […]

Day Trip to Tagbilaren

Today is January 11, 2010 and I had a great adventure today here in Bohol.  I took an elderly neighbor lady to Tagbilaran with her adult daughter accompanying us.  Our neighbor Vicki also went along to help with translation.  Vicky had asked me if we could have her neighbor’s hearing tested because she is struggling […]