
Monday, January 30, 2012

We spent the morning with Along going from the Loboc end of the property to the camping area to go over general maintenance and planting of trees.  Denny wants any spare space to be planted with fruit bearing tress of all kinds.  He wants the staff and their families to have all the fruit and […]

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a blessed time at church this morning.  Pastor Neil spoke on Romans 12 and challenged us all to be more like Romans 12 Christians – to love our neighbor, to pray for our enemies and forgive them, to do good to others and live at peace with each other;.  He stressed that it is […]

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Saturday Morning, January 28, 2012

Yesterday, (Friday), Denny and Along spent hours working on expenses and spread sheets for MOM and the budget for our house.  They did have a trip into Tagbilaran for business but then returned to work on the budget.  Along left our house about 5 pm  and after our dinner Denny continued to work on the […]

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Philippines Update – Saturday Morning , January 28, 2012

Yesterday, (Friday), Denny and Along spent hours working on expenses and spread sheets for MOM and the budget for our house.  They did have a trip into Tagbilaran for business but then returned to work on the budget.  Along left our house about 5 pm  and after our dinner Denny continued to work on the […]

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Philippines Update – January 26th

JANUARY 26, 2012 Today was an “errand” day.  It started out at 0930 when we left for Tagbilaran with Along, Marietta and Vicki to run all kinds of errands.  Vicki needed to check with the sewing machine technician to see if he had repaired the two machines we brought to him the other day.  She […]