Entries by Mery Donald

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What a great week!

It’s been an incredible 5 days of service and 5 days of incredible blessings for all involved. If you haven’t been able to join us, don’t worry! You can still join us for breakfast tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Evangelical Church. We will enjoy a delicious breakfast get briefed on the projects of the day and head out to serve with love.

We need another 25 volunteers tomorrow morning to finish strong! Have an hour or two?  Come by ANYTIME to the office, and we can direct you to a project. We have window washing, painting, yard work, as well as our sports teams serving our local businesses in the afternoon and our dump trailer drivers and loaders hauling to the dump.
Carpe Diem! Be blessed.

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What a day! Homeward Bound kickoff

What a day! Day 1 of Homeward Bound 2022 was the perfect start to the week. So many smiles, new friends and great projects done in love. Thank you to everyone who came out to serve today! Please join us for another delicious breakfast tomorrow and each day this week (through Saturday) at 7:30 a.m. at the Evangelical church. We will enjoy breakfast and coffee and be briefed on the projects of the day. On the agenda for Tuesday we have…

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Monday Homeward Bound

Our week of service in Sweet Grass county starts tomorrow! On the docket for Monday is: painting, staining, yard work, building porch steps and crafts with the residents in the courtyard at the PMC. Join us for breakfast and a briefing at 7:30 a.m. at the Evangelical Church on Bramble street or check in anytime you can join us. It’s going to be a great week!

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Homeward Bound 2022

THE SCHEDULE IS OUT! Join us for Homeward Bound 2022 – a week of service in Sweet Grass county. We are excited to be back in action with an entire week of projects, fellowship and fun this year! Join us for breakfast each day at 7:30 and we will plan to head to the projects at 8:00. Come for part of the day, a whole day or the entire week!
If you would like to sign up for a specific project please email us info@montanaonamission.org or call 932-5637.
It’s going to be a great week!

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Deadline: Tuesday

DEADLINE: TUESDAY. Have you seen these bright yellow boxes around town? Please fill out the slip and pop your suggestions into the box BEFORE Tuesday. Homeward Bound, our week of service is just around the corner and our team is working to plan for the service projects that will happen in our community. Do you know someone who needs a hand or a little extra…