Day Trip to Tagbilaren

Today is January 11, 2010 and I had a great adventure today here in Bohol.  I took an elderly neighbor lady to Tagbilaran with her adult daughter accompanying us.  Our neighbor Vicki also went along to help with translation.  Vicky had asked me if we could have her neighbor’s hearing tested because she is struggling […]


Needs for January Mission Trip

Hello all!  Belated Merry Christmas, Belated Happy New Year!  Just a quick request.  As you know we are participating in several projects this trip.  We are working on the construction of one home, Finishing out the newly constructed preschool and home economics classrooms, outfitting the new Learning Center and Library, working on income generating projects […]

Preparations for January Trip

It’s January 5th and Denny and I have been in the Philippines for most of the month of December. The Filipinos really love to celebrate Christmas and New Years – they love it so much that Christmas is celebrated here on this island of Bohol until sometime in early February! In this barrio of Calunasan […]