sharing songs with the students at Saaten primary school, the site of a Montana on a Mission pipeline providing clean water to the children and their families.

Day two in the Mara fell on a Saturday.  Despite this, the Saaten school students met us at the school and gave us another warm welcome.  Tiny hands scrambled to catch the hand of any of the “Mzungus” and we each ended up walking hand-in-hand with at least six little ones. After digging away at the trench all morning we were all glad for the break, receiving the dazzling smiles of the children. One of the top students demonstrated his reading and English skills in the classroom then we headed back outside.


Our Youth to Kenya (YTK) high school students had put together a skit illustrating the story Jesus shared in Luke 10 about the Good Samaritan.  They performed the skit for the children asking them, “which of these men was a loving neighbor?”  The team got lots of laughs as Keegan was karate chopped and dropped to the ground by Bella, Lindy and Sawyer – the bandits – but the kids still got the message the skit intended to send which was, “love your neighbor and your enemies.”


After the skit Kyle picked up the guitar and we taught the kids the lyrics and motions for “I’m trading my sorrows.” And a few other simple songs. Our style of music is quite different from that of the Maasai but the children were enthusiastic and jumped up and down shouting, “Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord!”


We closed out another amazing day playing games with hacky sacks and football (soccer) til sunset. Cuddling little ones and making new friends. Ah! J